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東京都の企画でスペシャルメンバーとMusic Videoも制作。


Music Videoはこちら!







シンガーソングライター、山田タマルがグラフィックアーティスト、牧かほりによるポートレートを世界に遍満する窓に擬えて歌う「Open Eyes Only」。


What will the eyes of people living in the city gaze at in the future?

This is a story of our finding 'the universe is me’ and hoping to sing a peace in each of our heart. One person's loneliness will be guided to someone who is precious for oneself, and oneself of yesterday will transform to another, towards the universe through the window opened to the world.

Such a story becomes a song that is reborn and spun over and over again. And the windows in the world will be also dissolved into a song through the eyes of love.

In "Open Eyes Only," singer-songwriter YAMADA TAMARU sings with the portrait drawn by graphic artist Kahori Maki by likening it to the windows around the world.

Distance will awake us to something true -me for you, you for the world, and the universe for me.

「Open Eyes Only」

作詞 山田タマル 天野裕士 / 作曲 山田タマル / 編曲 光畑宏之


Vocal, Guitar: 山田タマル

Programming, Guitar: 光畑宏之 

Bass: 鉄井孝司

Piano: 秋山暁子

Percussion: 高垣薫


Recording (Vocal, Guitar): 光畑宏之

Mixing, Mastering: 吉川昭仁 (STUDIO Dede)


Lyrics by Yamada Tamaru, Yusuke Amano

Composed by Yamada Tamaru

Arranged by Hiroyuki Mitsuhata


Yamada Tamaru : Vocal, Guitar

Hiroyuki Mitsuhata : Programming, Guitar

Koji Tetsui : Bass

Akiko Akiyama : Piano

Kaoru Takagaki : Percussion


Recorded (Vocal, Guitar) by Hiroyuki Mitsuhata 

Mixed and Mastered by Akihito Yoshikawa(STUDIO Dede)

Cover-designed by Takeshi Kobayashi


Music Video by

山田タマル (YAMADA TAMARU):singer, songwriter


牧 かほり (Kahori Maki):graphic artist

南 志保 (Shiho Minami):set designer


光畑 宏之 (Hiroyuki Mitsuhata):guitarist, arranger

高垣 薫 (Kaoru Takagaki):drummer

鉄井 孝司 (Koji Tetsui):bassist

秋山 暁子 (Akiko Akiyama):pianist


矢口 信男 (Nobuo Yaguchi):cameraman

みかなぎ ともこ (Tomoko Mikanagi):editor


天野 裕士 (Yusuke Amano):director

Special thanks to...

上海開⼼果Taka (China)

⼭村 倫 (Bulgaria)  

Upadhyay Family (India)

スディップ・シンハ (India) 

Claudia Tripiciano (Italy)

吉⽥ 蓮 フィリップ・リーズ 吉⽥ 知弘 (France)

Joris Posthumus (Netherlands)

五⼗川 ⼤輔 (Peru)


Open Eyes Only

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